How to uninstall hancom office s viewer
How to uninstall hancom office s viewer

how to uninstall hancom office s viewer

This is identical to how all other phone OS vendors work where the OS vendor pre-installs apps as part of their ecosystem. It's not like they haven't done this in the past, so.that's the real double standard I would argue. This is even true of Mac OS X as well, where I get notified constantly to upgrade to Mojave when I have no plans to do that Apple can make my system slower and force me to upgrade my otherwise perfectly functional Mac. Same thing goes with App Store as well, which has no way to turn off upgrade notifications. Yet I get constantly harassed with upgrade to iCloud bullshit constantly. The photos app isn't crucial to my iPad's core functions. Not to mention the constant push to upgrade to Apple music on a system default app is unacceptable. The same logic applies to Apple's crappy music app as well. There is absolutely no way to even replace it. For example, I don't use Apple's photos app at all. I need to clarify - I'm not an Apple hater, I own an iPhone, 2 iPads, 2 Macbook Pros and a Mac Mini at the time of this comment.īut, this same logic can be applied to Apple as well.

how to uninstall hancom office s viewer

That isn't really accurate, you're just defining "crapware" is such a way so that Google's apps don't qualify.

How to uninstall hancom office s viewer